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Nordic Studies Press, established in 2004, is an independent publisher dedicated to producing and distributing a beautiful series of books and musical works related to the countries of the Nordic region: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Nordic Studies Press is also proud to present numerous works on Scandinavian-American topics.

Our specialty is in the areas of Sámi history and culture, the Scandinavian immigrant experience, and the caring science.

Whether you are interested in learning about history, arts, culture, or society, you will find high quality books from our authors. Nordic Studies Press books are frequently used in university courses, but also make a great gift for a person that is passionate or curious about Scandinavia.

We also distribute several CDs featuring performances by musicians from Södra Vätterbygdens Folkhögskola in Jönköping, Sweden.

Nordic Studies Press founder, Charles Peterson also provides consulting services on Scandinavian culture for corporations and individuals.